The Mysterious Case of Detective Johnson
A woman hires Detective Harvey Johnson to find her ring that was allegedly stolen from her. As Detective Johnson gets close to solving the case, he awakens to realize it was all a dream.
- Producer Timothy Carter
- Writer Blaine Fultz
- Director Blaine Fultz
- Cinematographer Timothy Carter
- Editor Timothy Carter
- Actors Blaine Fultz Sarah Johnson Phillip Jones Kyle Cotten
Detecive Johnson
This is a fun movie with a twist. I really enjoyed the humor and twist. Audio was clean, but watch transitions
Mysterious Dream
The story was captivating, and the acting was both fun and engaging. The camera work was great, with continuous shots that were barely noticeable, enhancing the immersive experience. The film concluded with an interesting and memorable ending.
The Mysterious Case of Detective Johnson
The interview sequence was very funny and well done. Loved the 4th wall break and the slight of hand cuts! The chase scene was very well edited too. I think the story could have been better served without the reveal at the end. Maybe have the film end with the bang of the gun, since we established that Amy is quite a manipulative money chasing scoundrel.
Engaging, funny, and smart.
This was snappy and fun. The cinematography was quite good, and used practical lighting very well. I liked the performances, and the script was well done. The audio was clear, and the levels were good. I also liked the plot twist in the end.